Recognise and Treat immediately sight threatening conditions:
- Chemical injury – Irrigate copiously and manually remove contaminant source if possible. DO NOT irrigate or touch the eye if open globe injury is present.
- In cases of orbital compartment syndrome (normally caused by retrobulbar haemorrhage) trained personnel should perform emergency lateral canthotomy and cantholysis (LCC) using the 'full thickness cantholysis' technique.
- Shield and Ship casualties with eye injuries
- Prevent further damage.
- Protect injured eyes (known or potential injuries) with a rigid eye shield immediately (e.g. “Eyepro” or “Fox shield” or locally improvised substitute, e,g. gallipot, cutdown plastic cup etc).
- Maintain patient comfort, providing pain control and prophylactic antiemesis.
- DO NOT put pressure on eye with suspected open globe injury. DO NOT pad the eye.
- Prevent Valsalva which can increase the risk of extrusion of intraocular contents.
- Treat nausea and vomiting aggressively (Promethazine 50 mg IV or Ondansetron 4-8 mg IV).
- Avoid strenuous movements.
- Bed rest with head elevated 30 degrees if possible.
- Initiate TELMEDICINE consultation with an eye surgeon at Role 3 or Role 4 as soon as possible.
Evacuate all vision-threatening injuries so that they are able to receive treatment by an eye surgeon within 12-24 hours when possible.